
TOMBO, Acta Odonatologica Japonica

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TOMBO, LXVII (No.2), 2024

東京都青梅市2024 年4 月7 日 : 喜多英人 撮影

Emergence of a male of Epiophlebia superstes (Selys, 1889), on April 7, 2024, Ome City, Tokyo, photo by Hideto KITA.

(Ubukata, H. & Miyazaki, T.: Review: Thresholds in latitude, elevation, water and air temperature of the distribution records of Epiophlebia superstes (Selys, 1889) in the Japanese archipelago)

(Karube, H.: Estimation of the distribution characteristics of the habitats of Leucorrhinia intermedia ijimai Asahina, 1961 and the factors behind its population decline ― Perspectives as a floodplain-dependent species ―)

(Tamada, A. : An example of environmental change threatening endangered Odonata species – A lagoon lake becoming brackish associated with land subsidence –)

(Tamada, A.: The sudden recovery of Gynacantha japonica Bartenev, 1910 in Miyagi prefecture, in 2023 and discussion on G. japonica disappeared in northern part of Japan)

(Nakamura, T.: Observation of divided emergence in Anax parthenope (Selys, 1839) and Anax nigrofasciatus Oguma, 1915)

(Nishiura, N.: A record of an underwater oviposition of Mnais pruinosa (Selys,1853) in Sennan City, Osaka Prefecture)

(Kagami, T., Ozono, A., Futahashi, R. & Kakinuma, S.: Observation on oviposition behavior into a tree hollow in Lyriothemis flava Oguma, 1915)

(Kita, H., Kadoya, T., Suda, S., Nakagawa, M.: Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) emerged on Okinawa Island in March)

(Takasaki, Y.: A brief history of Odonata research in Nagoya

– associations and enthusiasts –)

(編):石田昇三氏 昆虫関係著述目録

(Sasamoto, A., Udono, K., Nakanishi, M. & Ishida, K., & Saitô, Y.

(comp.): A list of entomological publication by Mr. Syozo Ishida)

(Sasamoto, A. (comp.): A list of entomological publication by Ms. Yoko Watanabe)

TOMBO, LXVII (No.1), 2024

大阪府2020 年7 月24 日 : 野口 隆 撮影

Coexistence of Dielia phaon (Selys, 1883) homochromatic and heterochromatic (forma dispar) females, on July 24, 2020, Osaka Pref., photo by Takashi NOGUCHI

(Matsuda, I.: Obituary of the late “Big library” Mr. Kiyoshi Inoue)

Mr. Kiyoshi Inoue


(Editorial secretary of Japanese Society of Odonatology (comp.): A

supplemental checklist of publication related to Odonata (2014 ~ 2023) by

Mr. Kiyoshi Inoue)

(苅部 治紀・片谷 直治・Quoc Toan Phan:ベトナム中部高原からの Chlorogomphus gracilis 種群の新種と新亜属Spinorogomphus の記載)

(苅部 治紀・Quoc Toan Phan:Chlorogomphus vani Phan & Karube, 2022(トンボ目:ミナミヤンマ科)の真の分類学的位置)

(Karube, H., Kaga, R., & Watanabe, S.: The current status of the declining dragonflies of Tsushima -Estimation of factors contributing to the decline of Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883)-)

(Sampa, T.: Species composition and seasonal prevalence of Odonata larvae in school swimming pools in Yokohama City and suburbs, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan based on field survey from 2017 to 2018)

(Kitayama, T., Kozen, M., Umeda, T., Sugimura, M. & Futahashi, R.:

Interspecific hybrids between Rhyothemis regia (Brauer, 1867) and Rhyothemis variegata (Linnaeus, 1763))

(Karube, H., Kaga, R. & Tanio, T. : On the first records of Ictinogomphus pertinax (Hagen in Selys, 1854) and Deielia phaon (Selys, 1883) collected from Tsushima Island)

(Karube, H., Sano, S., Kaga, R. & Ozono, A. : Ceriagrion auranticm ryukyuanum Asahina, 1967 collected from Tsushima Island)

(Kaga, R. & Karube, H. : First record of a Diplacodes trivialis (Rambur,

1842) from Tsushima Island, Nagasaki Prefecture)

(Hirakawa, Y., Sugimura, M. & Futahashi, R.: A record of Rhyothemis variegata (Linnaeus, 1763) with blackened wings)

(Kotabe, A. & Futahashi, R.: The record of interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum eroticum (Selys, 1883) and Sympetrum baccha matutinum Ris, 1911 from Aomori Prefecture)

(Shimbori, O. & Futahashi, R.: A record of a presumptive gynandromorph of Lyriothemis pachygastra (Selys, 1878))

(Fukaya, W.: An abnormally blackened individual of Orthetrum albistylum

(Selys, 1848) with whitish wax appearing after soaking in acetone)

(Futahashi, R.: A female of Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883) with a

rotated dorsoventral axis of the abdomen)


(Sasamoto, A. & Futahashi, R.: Historical background on the change of

scientific names for the genera Planaeschna and Aeschnophlebia)

(Kotabe, A., Nitobe, T. & Futahashi, R.: The second record of Anax junius

(Drury, 1773) in Japan)

(Yui, M., Morita, R. & Futahashi, R.: The first records of Trithemis aurora (Burmeister, 1839) from Shizuoka Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Miyazaki, T., Yago, M. & Futahashi, R.: Record of Tholymis tillarga (Fabricius, 1798) from Kyoto Prefecture in the Masayo Kato Insect Collection)

(Morita, R.: The first record of Sympetrum cordulegaster (Selys, 1883) from Ibaraki Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Okude, G. & Futahashi, R.: Relationship between the type of non-woven meshes and the adult emergence rate of the dragonfly Pseudothemis zonata (Burmeister, 1839))


沖縄県大宜味村2007 年5 月3 日 : 喜多 英人 撮影

A male of Anaciaeschna jaspidea (Burmeister, 1839), on May 3, 2007, Okinawa Island, photo by Hideto KITA

(Okude, G.& Futahashi, R.: Morphological changes during the final nymphal instar and the genes essential for metamorphosis in dragonflies and damselflies)

(Karube, H., Kameda, Y., Kaga, R., & Fujita, E.: Contamination status on the neonicotinoid insecticide for the habitat of endangered Odonata in Japan)

(Yokoi, N. : Territorial behaviors of Tanypteryx pryeri (Selys, 1889) (Odonata: Petaluridae))

(Naraoka, H. : Opening angle of the right and left wings while at rest in nine damselfly species (Odonata: Zygoptera))

(Futahashi, R. & Fukaya, W. : Distribution survey of Mnais damselflies (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) in Tochigi Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan)

(Okuyama, H., Kiyoshi, T., Tsubaki, Y., & Takahashi, J.: The complete mitochondrial genome and ITS region of nuclear genome sequences of Libellula angelina Selys, 1883 from Kirarahama Prefectural Nature Observation Park in Yamaguchi prefecture, Japan)

(Futahashi, R., Kagimoto, B. & Sakamoto, M. : Genetic diversity of Orthetrum poecilops among populations in Miyajima Island, Japan)

(庄子 恭平・苅部 治紀:陸生プラナリアによるハナダカトンボ成虫の捕食事例)

(Fukaya, W.: Distribution of Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 in Tochigi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan based on field studies from 2019 to 2022)

(Karube, H. & Shiraishi, R.: Record of a gynandromorphic individual of Trithemis aurora (Burmeister, 1839) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae))

(Nishimoto, S., Horita, M., & Futahashi, R.: Records of Trithemis aurora with partially immature-colored wing)

TOMBO, LXV, 2022

沖縄県西表島仲間川2022 年8 月12 日 : 渡辺賢一撮影

Oviposition of Psolodesmus kuroiwae Oguma, 1913 in Iriomote Island, Okinawa Pref., Aug. 12, 2022.

Photo by Ken-ichi WATANABE

(Hisamatsu, S.: Life history of Sympetrum uniforme (Selys, 1883) and future actions to preserve its habitat)

(Kita, H. : Overwintering process of Aciagrion migratum (Selys, 1876) in a cypress forest in Tokyo)

(Umeda, T. : Morphological difference in a lobe between the cerci of anal appendages between final instar larvae of Calopteryx japonica Selys,1869 and Atrocalopteryx atrata (Selys,1853))

(Futahashi, R. & Kiyoshi, T. : The past record of Ischnura rubilio Selys, 1876 from Ishigaki Island, Japan)

(Morita, R., Watanabe, T. & Futahashi, R.: The second record from Japan of an interspecific hybrid between Paracercion sieboldii and P. melanotum from Ishioka City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Nakada, T., Futahashi, R. & Hori, S. : A record of the pale-winged male of Sympetrum croceolum (Selys, 1883) from Hokkaido, Japan)

(Shiroishi, T. : Reconfirmation of the habitats of Aeschnophlebia anisoptera, after the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake, in Miyagi Prefecture, north-eastern Honshu, Japan)

(Iida, M. & Tamada, A. : First record of Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 from Miyagi Prefecture, Japan)

(Fukuda, A. : The first record of Ictinogomphus pertinax (Hagen in Selys, 1854) from Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan)

(Fukaya, W. & Futahashi, R. : Distribution survey of Mnais damselflies (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) in Saitama Prefecture, central Honshu, Japan)

(Fukaya, W., Kaneuchi, Y., Kotabe, A. & Seki, N. : Records of Macromia daimoji Okumura, 1949 from Saitama Prefecture: rediscovery after 31 years)

(Sano, S. : Odonata recorded from the Izu Islands (Shikine Is., Kouzu Is. and Miyake Is.), Japan)

(Kutsuma, T., Ozono, A. & Futahashi, R.: The first records of Ictinogomphus pertinax (Hagen in Selys, 1854) from Yamanashi Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Nakada, T., Sawada, K., Shimbori, O. & Futahashi, R. : The first records of Coenagrion terue (Asahina,1949) from Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Yanagisawa, T. & Sakamoto, M.: Recent records of Trigomphus ogumai Asahina, 1949 from Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan)

(Futahashi, R. & Kiyoshi, T. : A brief report on Sympetrum kunckeli collected in Taiwan)

(Inoue, K. : Obituary : Professor Dr. B. Kiauta)


北海道斜里町遠根別 2009年8月11日 : 広瀬良宏 撮影

Flying oviposition of Sympetrum flaveolum (Linnaeus, 1758) by tandem in Onnebetu, Syari-cho, Hokkaido, Aug. 11, 2009. Photo by Yoshihiro HIROSEaku KITAYAMA

(Karube, H., Kameda, H., Kaga, R.,& Fujita,E. : Contamination status on the neonicotinoid insecticide for the habitats of endangered dragonfly Lihellula angelina Selys, 1883 in Japan)

Nannophya pygmaea Rambur, 1842のギナンドロモルフ個(本の生態と外部形態

(Kawata, N., Yoshida, M., Udono, K. & Sugimura, M.: Behaviour and morphological characteristics of a gynandromorph individual of Nannophya pygmaea Rambur, 1842 (Libellulidae: Odonata))

(Tagushi, M., Shimamura,M ., Hayakawa, H., lshikawa,'i-1., Kunishi, Y., Higaki, H.,Yamada, Y., Shibata, H., & Yoshida, Y. : The sedentariness and mobility of mature adults of Orthetrum melania (Selys, 1883) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) in the group of ponds for dragonflies in coastal Keihin, Yokohama, Japan)

(Taguchi, M. : Aberrant striped colored abdomen variant in a white-tailed skimmer Orthetrum albisty Selys, 1848 (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) male in coastal Keihin, Yokohama)

(Kotabe, A., & Futahashi, R. : Records of two interspecific hybrids collected from Yaeyama Islands in 2020)

(Takuma, Y. & Futahashi, R. : Report of a malformed egg of Calopteyx japonica (Selys, 1869) with an albino phenotype)

(Nishiura, N. : A record of Melligomphus viridicostus (Oguma, 1926) with white compound eyes in Sennan City, Osaka Prefectu)

(Futahashi, R.: A record of the homeosis in the hybrid between Anax parthenope and Anax nigrofasciatus)

(Futahashi, R.,Y oshioka, T. & Sugimura, M.: A record of the homeosis in Anax parthenope from Kochi Prefecture)

(Fukaya, W. : Record of a gynandromorph Anaciaeschna martin (Selys, 1897))

(Hiratsuka, K. & Yokoyama, T.: Records of the intermediate form between orange-wing and hyaline-wing forms of Mnais costalis Selys, 1869 from Sapporo, Hokkaido)

(Takuma, Y., Okude, G. & Futahashi, R. : Report on a supernumerary molting in Anisogomphus maacki (Selys, 1872) in its final Im-val instar and Ischnura senegalensis (Rambur, 1842) in its penultimate larval instar)

(Kita, H.: Feeding behavior of Sympecma paedisca (Brauer, 1877) adult during overwintering)

(Kishi, K. & Hori, O.: An intcrgencric tandem formation observed between a male Lanthus fujiacus (Fraser, 1936) and a female Davidius fujiama Fraser, 1936)

(Miyahata, T., Habu, Y. & Kita, H.: A record of an apparent interfamilial copulation between leucorrhinia intermedia Bartenef, 1910 and Davidius moiwanus (Okumura, 1935))

(Tamada, A.,Okamura, Y. & Togashi, Y.: First record of Sympetrum speciosum Oguma, 1915 breeding in Yamagata Prefecture)

(Tamada, A.: First record of Asiugomphus pryeri (Selys, 1883) from Fukushima Prefecture)

(Tamada, A. & Futahashi, R.: Updated northern limit record of Mnais pruinosa (Selys, 1853) from Aga-machi, Niigata Prefecture)

(Suzuki, M., Tokuhara, K., & Yamamoto, T.: The first record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) in Osaka Prefeeture, Japan)

(Takuma, Y. : First record of Sympetrum vulgatum imitans (Selys, 1886) from Fukuoka Prefeeture, Kyushu, Japan)

(Okazaki, M. & Futahashi, R.: The first record of Gynacantha ryukyuensis Asahina, 1962 from Kitadaito Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan)


高知県幡多郡黒潮町 2014 年6 月13 日 : 北山 拓 撮影

Feeding flight of a female Chlogomphus brunneus Oguma, 1926 in Kuroshio-cho, Hata-gun, Kochi Prefecture, Jun. 13, 2014. Photo by Taku KITAYAMA

(The list of Odonata species in Red Data Book of Japan published by Ministry of the Environment)

(Kita, H. & Suda, S. : Habitat and conservation status of Pseudocopera tokyoesis (Asahina, 1948))


(Kita, H. & Suda, S. : Habitat and conservation status of Paracercion plagiosum (Needham, 1930))

(Futahashi, R. & Kita, H. : Rapid decline of the white-winged morph (forma edai) of Mnais pruinosa Selys, 1853)


(Satoh, R. : The cause of a drastic decrease in number and conservation measures for Sympetrum maculatum Oguma, 1922 in Niigata Prefecture)

(Kagimoto, B. : A report on the conservation of Orthetrum poecilops Ris, 1919)


(Watanabe, K. : Protectional activity of the last clear stream in Ishigaki


(Karube, H., Terayama, H., Kaga, R., Sato, T. & Sakabe, K.:

Contamination implications of the neonicotinoid insecticide for the habitat of the endangered dragonfly Sympetrum maculatum in the Tonoh area, Gifu Prefecture)

Futahashi, R. : The record of dark color form of Merogomphus pavici from Laos (Odonata: Gomphidae)

(Sugimura, M. & Futahashi, R. : A record of an interspecific hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum (Selys, 1883) and S. kunckeli (Selys, 1884) from Kochi Prefecture, Shikoku, Japan)

(Okude, G., Watanabe K., & Futahashi, R. : DNA analysis of Neurothemis terminata Ris, 1911 collected in Ishigaki Island, Okinawa Prefecture,



(Yokoyama, T., Ikushima, T., Minamide, Y., & Hirose, Y. : A record of bluish compound eyes and body maculation in males of Sarasaeschna pryeri (Martin,1909) from Hokkiado Prefecture)

(Kita, H. : Reproductive behavior of Ischnura aurora Brauer, 1865 at a puddle on an asphalt-paved parking in Guam)

(Kagimoto, B. : A record of Trachemys scripta elegans (Wied-Neuwied,1839) (Red-eared slider turtle) catching and eating an adult of Anax parthenope julius Brauer,1865)

ホソミモリトンボの記録 ― 60 年ぶりに再発見された福島県での観察例など ―

(Ota, S. : Records of Somatochrola arctica (Zetterstedt, 1840) confirmed in 2018-2019 from Fukushima, Gunma, and Tochigi Prefectures -Observations in Fukushima Prefecture, a rediscovery after 60 years-)

(Sasamoto, A., Saitoh, K. & Futahashi, R. : The second record in Japan of Somatochlora exuberata exuberata Bartenev, 1910 (Odonata: Corduliidae) from Nagano Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Ogura, K., Itoh, S. & Futahashi, R.: First record of Aeschnophlebia anisoptera Selys, 1883 from Iwate Prefecture, N. Honshu, Japan)

(Fukaya, W. : A record of Aeshna mixta Latreille,1805 from Saitama Prefecture)

(Aono, T. & Kagimoto, B. : A second record of Sympetrum uniforme (Selys,1883) from Hiroshima Prefecture, 2019)

(Futahashi, H., Futahashi, M. & Futahashi, R.: The first record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) from Toyama Prefecture, Honshu, Japan)

(Kotabe, A., Minowa, D. & Saito, K.: A record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister,1839) from Shizuoka Prefecture in 2019)

(Oota, K. & Futahashi, R.: First record of Anax ephippiger (Burmeister, 1839) from Yakushima Is., off Kyushu, Japan)

(Karube, H. & Kaga, R.: First record of Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) from Daito Islands, Okinawa Prefecture)

(Kasuya, M.: Records of Mnais pruinosa Selys,1853 adults in Kakitagawa, Shizuoka Pref. from December 2018 to January 2019)

(Fukawa, H.: A record of mature Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883) in May)


(Shimbori, O., Futahashi, H. & Futahashi, R.: Records of Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883) in January in Toyama Prefecture)

TOMBO, LXI, 2019

Coenagrion hylas (Trybom, 1889) during tandem oviposition in Kato-gun, Hokkaido, Jun. 29, 2015. Photo by Hideto KITA.


(Karube, H., Terayama, H. & Sakabe, K. : Is the decline Sympetrum maculatum in the Tonoh area in Gifu Prefecture caused by neonicotinoid insecticide?)

Rediscovery of the genus Dubitogomphus — description of a new species from Laos and proposal for new combination of D. bicornutus — (Odonata: Gomphidae)

Description of Macromia murakii sp. nov. (Anisoptera: Macromiidae) from northern Laos, with a consideration on the taxonomic relationship between similar species M. chui and M. daimoji

Description of Prodasineura bolavenensis sp. nov. from southern Laos (Odonata: Platycnemididae)


(Naraoka, H. : Daily activity and reproductive behavior of adult Coenagrion ecornutum (Selys, 1872) at and around a small pond in Kushiro-marsh, Hokkaido prefecture (Odonata: Coenagrionidae))


(Tamada, A., Okude, G. & Futahashi, R. : A white-winged female of Mnais costalis collected in Niigata Prefecture)

(Natsume, H. : An adult male of Stylogomphus suzukii (Oguma, 1926) with unusual blackish thorax)

(Futahashi, R. & Matsuki, K. : Melanized specimens of Sympetrum darwinianum (Selys, 1883))

(Umeda, T. : Sympetrum darwinianum (Selys, 1883) with a deformed abdomen)


(Sano, S. & Yamade, Y. : Records of adult Aeschnophlebia anisoptera Selys, 1883 and larval Gynacantha japonica Bartenef, 1909 from Izu Oshima Island)

(Sampa, T. : The first laval record of Sympetrum fonscolombii from Kawasaki city, Kanagawa Prefecture)

幸田 洋平 : 西表島における近年のコフキオオメトンボの記録について

(Yukita, Y. : A recent record of Zyxomma obtusum Albarda, 1881 from Yonaguni-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture)


(Karube, H., Hayashi, M. & Kitano, T. : The first record of Zyxomma obtusum Albarda, 1881 from Yonaguni-jima Island, Okinawa Prefecture)

『水生昆虫 3   ヤゴハンドブック』

TOMBO, LX, 2018

A male Nihonogomphus viridis attempting to mate with a female while she lays eggs in Sanda, Hyogo Prefecture, May 21, 2017.

Photo by Tetsuo Yamamoto. 


(Futahashi, R., G. Okude, M. Sugimura & S. Ugai : Interspecific hybrids in Japanese Odonata)

Mattigomphus gen. nov., a new gomphid genus from Indochina region, separated from Anisogomphus (Odonata: Gomphidae)

Drepanosticta draco sp. nov., a new damselfly from northern Sumatra, Indonesia (Odonata: Platystictidae)

Two new species of the genus Periaeschna from northern Vietnum with additional notes on the genus (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

Consideration of the taxonomical relationship of Sympetrum spesiosum and its subspecies haematoneura based on adult and larval morphologyand genetic analyses, with a first record of speciosum from Vietnamand laval description of haematoneura (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)

渡部 慶一郎・大崎 健志郎・平野 謙二・清 拓哉・髙橋 純一 :

絶滅危惧種ハッチョウトンボ Nannophya pygmaea (トンボ目: トンボ科) の遺伝的多様性 — 島根県浜田市金城町における報告 —

(Okuyama, H., M. Kawanaka, A. Hara, A. Takeuchi, R. Suzuki, S. Sasaki, K. Watanabe, K. Osaki, K. Hirano, T. Kiyoshi, J. Takahashi : The genetic diversity of a threatened skimmer species, Nannophya pygmaea (Odonata: Libellulidae): a report onthe population in Kanagicho, Hamada City, Shimane Prefecture, Japan) 


(Okude, G., R. Futahashi & K. Udono : DNA analysis of a hybrid between Sympetrum eroticum and Sympetrum pedemontanum collected in 1962)


(Shimizu, N. & R. Futahashi : A record of supposed hybrid between Sympetrum darwinianum and Sympetrum maculatum from Aichi Prefecture)

過去に外部形態から推定された種間雑種 3 例のDNA解析

(Sugimura, M., G. Okuda & R. Futahashi : DNA analysis of three dragonfly hybrids previously suspected by external morphology)


(Ugai, S. & R. Futahashi : DNA analysis of the two hybrid specimens belonging to the genera Anax and Tramea)


(Itsuro, K., A. Sasamoto & B. Kagimoto : The supposed homeosis of the structure like secondary male genitalia appearing from anterior part of the 4th adbominal sternite in Melligomphus viridicostus (Oguma, 1926))

(Suda, S. & R. Futahashi : A record of the homeosis in Anax parthenope)

(Kuroda, T. & R. Futahashi : A record of a unique wing marking pattern for Tramea transmarina Brauer, 1867 in Japan)

(Kobayashi, J. : An Orthetrum melania (Selys, 1883) (Anisopters, Libellulidae) with a deformed left hindwing)

(Ehira, K. : Interspecific copulation between male Calopteryx japonica and female Mnais pruinosa)


(Tsuji, I. & I. Kawashima : Additional information on the intergeneric tandem formation observed between a male of Orthetrum albistylum speciosum (Uhler) and a female Sympetrum frequens (Selys))


(Sakai, S. & S. Eda : Observation of an awkward behaviour-like oviposition by an interspecific tandem between a male Sympetrum frequens and a female Pantala flavescens)

(Eda, S. : An unusual oviposition site for Epiophlebia superstes)

小林 純子 : 秋田県におけるトンボ5種の採集記録

(Kobayashi, J. : Records of five species of Odonata (Zygoptera and Anisoptera) from Akita Prefecture, northern Honsu)

(Itoh, S. : New record of Sympetrum speciosum speciosum Oguma from Iwate Prefecture, North eastern Honshu, Japan)

(Miyashita, T. & R. Futahashi : A record of Neurothemis ramburii (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from Fuchu-shi, Tokyo)

(Futahashi, R., T. Miyahata & N. Yokoi : Distribution of species of the benus Mnais (Zygoptera: Calopterygidae) in northern Kanto district, C. Honshu, Japan)

(Ogino, S., A. Ozono & R. Futahashi : A record of Sympetrum flaveolum from Ishikawa Prefecture)

(Kawase, N. & Y. Habano : A first record of Ceriagrion auranticum Fraser, 1922 from Shiga Prefecture, central Honshu)


(Takeda, H. & A. Sasamoto : The first record of Sympetrum fonscolombii from Nara Prefecture, together with records of S. uniforme and S. striolatum imitoides)

(Takechi, L. & S. Hisamatsu : Record of Sympetrum fonscolombii (Selys, 1840) from Ehime Prefecture, Japan)

(Karube, H. & M. Muramatsu : First record of Orthetrum pruinosum neglectum (Rambur, 1842) from Yonaguni-jima, Okinawa Pref.)

(Kozen, M. : The first record of Brachythemis contaminata (Fabricius, 1793) from Okinawa Island, Okinawa, Japan)

TOMBO, LIX, 2017

沖縄県竹富町西表島 : 梅田 孝 撮影

A female of Macromidia ishidai Asahina, 1964 on June 23, 2016,

Iriomote Island, photo by Takashi Umeda. 

(Effects on Odonata fauna of the Great East Japan Earthquake) 


(Yukita, Y. & Y. Ichikawa : The inpact ofthe tsunami on the habitats of doragonfliesim the pacific coastal area of Aomori prefecture, northern Japan)

(Itoh, S. : The impacts of the big tsunami with the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake to the populations of Sympetrum striolatum imitoides inhabit coastal area of Iwate Prefecture, north-eastern Honshu, Japan)


(Makino, A. : Mortonagrion hirosei and Lestes japonicus after the 2011 Tohoku Eartquake in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan)


(Nagahata, Y. & I. Kawashima : Odonata larvae collected at the tidal wave sites in a year of the Great East Japan Earthquake)

(Mitamura, T. : The impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami to individual number of Odonata on coastal area of Fukushima Prefecture, north eastern Honshu, Japan)

(Eda, S. : Unsual connections in copulation, and oviposition behaviour in dragonflies)

Two new species of Stylogomphus Fraser, 1922 from Vietnam (Odonata: Gomphidae)

A new species of Sinogomphus May, 1935 and a new subspecies of Sinogomphus peleus (Lieftinck, 1939) from Vietnum (Odonata:Gomphidae)

Two new species of the genus Cephalaeschna from northern Vietnum (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

The complate mitochondrial genome of Mnais costalis Selys (Odonata: Calopterygidae) assembled from next generation sequencing data

(Naraoka, H. : Diurnal activity and reproductive behavior of Platycnemis echigoana Asahina, 1955 in Aomori Prefecture (Odonata: Platycnemididae)

New records of Chlorogomphus miyashitai Karube, 1995 and Ch. piaoacensis Karube, 2013 from northern Thailand, with notes on the characteristics of Ch. piaoacensis

Note on Orthetrum melania (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) from Kunashir Island with a reference to its subspecific status

New records of Sympetrum darwinianum from Russia

(Sakai, S. & S. Eda : A case of unusual oviposhition by Sympetrum frequens while in tandem)


(Sakai, S. & S. Eda : Interspecific copulation and oviposition between male Sympetrum croceolum and female S. speciosum, whose flying oviposition behaviors belong to different types)

(Kagimoto, B. : The first record of interspecific tandem between Orthetrum poecilops Ris, 1916 male and Orthetrum albistylum (Selys, 1848) female )


(Futahashi, R., N. Sugiura & T. Aoki : The first record of Sympetrum uniforme (Selys, 1883) from Rebun Island, of Hokkaido, Japan)


長野県入笠高原 : 酒井昇治 撮影

A male Aeshna juncea (Linnaeus, 1758) flying to make this territory at Nyukasa highland in Ina City, Nagano Pref. on Sept. 12, 2015. Photo by Shoji Sakai.


(Ubukata, H. : Life history of Sympetrum frequens (Selys, 1883) in Hokkaido: are migration and reproductive dispause involved?)

A new subspecies of Orthetrum melania from Vietnam (Odonata: Libellulidae)

Occurrence of a new gomphid dragonfly Anisogomphus neptunus sp. nov., from northern Vietnam

A second member of the genus Gomphidictinus (Odonata: Gomphidae) from northern Vietnam

— Rediscovery of Sieboldius gigas (Martin, 1904) (Anisoptera: Gomphidae) —

(Yoshino, Y. : Notes on measurement of flight speed of large size dragonfly (Aeshnidae etc.))


(Naraoka, H. : Effects of weather conditions on the diurnal variation of perch height of adult Ischnura elegans (Van der Linden, 1820))

Discovery of Chlorogomphus papilio Ris, 1927 from northern Vietnam

(Naraoka, H. : Discovery of Paracercion melanotum (Selys, 1876) (Coenagrionidae) in Aomori Prefecture)


(Sakai, S. & S. Eda : Two new records of sitting ovipositions into the mud by females Aeshna crenata and A. juncea)


(Sano, S. : New record of Sympetrum eroticum (Selys, 1883) and Crocothemis servilia (Drury, 1770) in Hegura Island, off Ishikawa Prefecture)


(Karube, H. : First larval record of Indolestes boninensis (Asahina, 1852) from Anijima-island, Ogasawara)

『平地で見られる主なヤゴの図鑑 「身近なヤゴの見分け方」』


『Catalogue of individuals commemorated in the scientific names of extant dragonflies, including lists of all available eponymous species-group and genus-group names — Revised』 

とんぼ保護活動の先駆者 N.W.ムーア教授のご逝去を悼む



Three pairs of Lestes sponsa (Hansemann, 1823) are egg-laying to three different altitudes of the same strm. The female of the left pair stopped oviposition due to attack by Notonecta triguttata (matsumo-mushi)

Sept. 17, 2013, at Shingyou-ike pond, Omachi city, Nagano prefecture. Photo by S. Eda.

(Hayashi, F. : Mechanisms of sperm displacement in Calopteryx cornelia : effects of sexual conflict) 

(Miyazaki, T : On a specimen of Aeshna mixta collected by Mr. Syujiro Hirayama (1889∼1954) in Chiba Prefecture, Central Japan, with a review on records of the species before 1950) 

(Sakai, S. & S. Eda : A case of trans-subordinal tandem trials between a male Mnais pruinosa and a female Davidius fujiama)

(Aoki, T. : Mnais sp. having wings with partly opaque white area)

(Karube, H. & M. Machida : Record of a gynandromorphic individual of Lyriothemis pachygastra (Selys, 1878) (Anisoptera: Libellulidae))

(Kasuya, M. : Observation of sitting-oviposition into water of Stylogomphus suzukii (Matsumura in Oguma, 1926))

埼玉県長瀞町で 10 月 4 日にコサナエを採集

(Sakurai, S., D. Sakurai, N. Seki & H. Natsume : An adult female of Trigomphus melampus (Selys, 1869) was captured on October 4th, 2014 at Nagatoromachi, Saitama Prefecture, Japan)

(Naraoka, H. : Predation of a lepidopteran larva by Aeschnophlebia longistigma (Odonata: Aeshnidae)

(Eda, S. : A male of Nannophya pygmaea with black dorsal stripes on the abdomen)


TOMBO, LVI, 2014

A triple connection of Mnais costalis (Selys).

Nanasegawa River, Oita City, May 22,2013. Photo by Minoru Horit

(A special issue for the congratulation of Mr. Kiyoshi Inoue for the Member of Honour)

Editorial secretary of JSO (complied), K. Inoue (surpervised) :

A check-list of publications related of Odonata (1956∼2013) by Mr. Kiyoshi Inoue


(Tsubaki, Y. : Forest light environment as the cradle of forest biodiversity:thermal ecology of Mnais damselflies)

(Futahashi, R. : A revisional study of Japanese dragonflies based on DNA analysis (2))

A preliminary report on the genetic diversity of a highly endangered dragonfly, Libellula angelina Selys, 1883, in the Okegaya-numa Pond, Shizuoka, Japan

Borneogomphus teramotoi, a new genus and species of Gomphid dragonfly from Borneo (Odonata: Gomphidae: Onychogomphinae)

Vietnamese Odonata collected in 1992-2003 surveys. IV. Synlestidae

Vietnamese Odonata collected in 1992-2003 surveys. V. Gomphidae


(Naraoka, H. : Reproductive behavior of Mortonagrion hirosei Asahina, 1972 in Miyagi Prefecture, with special reference to intramale sperm translocation and coupulatory process) 

(Narumi, K. & H. Naraoka : The record of triple-connection type O

(♂−♀±♂) of Aciagrion migratum (Selys, 1876))

(Kobayashi, J. : Neurothemis ramburii (Kaup in Brauer, 1866) (Libellulidae) with an unusual wing-maculation)

(Watanabe, K. : Some exviae of Pantala flavescens in winter-time from pothole) 

TOMBO, LV, 2013

A copulating pair of Sympetrum frequens (Selys) on rice ear.

Akilawa, Kanagawa Pref., Oct. 15, 2009. Photo by Akira Ozono.


(Uéda, T. & H. Jinguji : The ecological impact of the insecticides fipronil and imidacloprid on Sympetrum frequens in Japan)

Survey of the Vietnamese Chlorogomphidae (Odonata), with special reference grouping

Description of Bayadera kinnara sp. nov. from Burma, with taxonomic notes on its congeners (Odonata: Euphaeidae)

Description of Anisopleura bipugio sp. nov. from southern Vietnam (Odonata: Euphaeidae)

Taxonomic revision of the status of Orthetrum triangulare and melania group (Anisoptera: Libellulidae) based on molecular phylogenetic analyses and morphological comparisons, with a description of three new subspecies of melania

Notes on the larva of Neurothemis ramburii ranburii (Kaup in Brauer, 1866) obtained from Iriomote-jima Island, Yaeyama Islands, southern Ryukyus, Japan (Anisoptera: Libellulidae)

(Naraoka, H.: Diurnal activity and reproductive behavior of Indolestes peregrinus (Ris, 1916) (Lestidae: Odonata))

(Karube, H., S. Suda, T. Umeda & H. Hayashi: Odonata fauna of Izu Archiperago, Japan)


車のボディー上を飛び続けるオスのトンボ, 二題 

ネイチャーガイド 日本のトンボ Dragonflies of Japan

(Shigeo Eda: Personal History of Dr. Syoziro Asahina)

TOMBO, LIV, 2012

(A special issue to the memory of Dr. Shigeo Eda for the Honorary President) 

(Editorial secretary of JSO (complied), S. Eda (supervised) :

A check-list of insect publications (1949-2011) by Dr. Shigeo Eda.)

Taxonomic revision of Japanese odonate species, based on nuclear and mitochondrial gene genealogiesand morphological comparison with allied species. Part I


his importance for our knowledge of the Odonata of Southeast Asia

(Futahashi, R. : A revisional study of Japanese dragonflies based on DNA analysis (1))

(Naraoka, H. : Reproductive behaviour of Coenagrion terue (Asahina, 1949) (Zygoptera, Coenagrionidae), with special reference to repeated interruptions of the copulation and a long pre-ovipositional tandem linkage)

TOMBO, LII, 2009

The Dragonflies of the Czech Republic

TOMBO, LI (for 2008), 2009

TOMBO, L, (1/4), 2007

日本蜻蛉学会 50 周年記念寄稿

Dr Syoziro Asahina: fond recollections of fifty years of friendship

著述目録 (A Check List of Publications)

TOMBO, XLIX (for 2006), (1/4), 2007

TOMBO, XLVIII (for 2005), (1/4), 2006

TOMBO, XLVII, (1/4), 2004

TOMBO, XLVI, (1/4), 2003

TOMBO, XLIV, (1/4), 2002

TOMBO, XLIV, (1/4), 2002

TOMBO, XLIII, (1/4), 2001

James G. Needham, Minter J. Westfall, Jr., & Michael L. May :

TOMBO, XLII, (1/4), 2000

TOMBO, XLI, (1/4), 1998

5.   富山産オオカワトンボとヒウラカワトンボの体サイズと出現時期の関係

6.   富山県産オオカワトンボとヒウラカワトンボの雌雄の体サイズの比較

7.   富山産オオカワトンボとヒウラカワトンボの体サイズと交尾回数の関係

8.   ヒガシカワトンボの体サイズの変異性

TOMBO, XL, (1/4), 1997

TOMBO, XXXIX, (1/4), 1996


TOMBO, XXXVIII, (1/4), 1995


TOMBO, XXXVII, (1/4), 1994

— 卵期間,幼虫期間,全齢数,羽化 —

TOMBO, XXXVI, (1/4), 1993

1993 年 異例な冷夏の場合

TOMBO, XXXV, (1/4), 1992